Engaging with humor: How brands can forge lasting connections

In simple terms, marketing is the art of capturing attention. Successful marketing campaigns cut through the relentless noise that surrounds us to impact human behavior. In most situations, the impact is short lived. Strategies and tactics must evolve to maintain efficacy.

Extending Goodwill

What can we do to build more lasting connections with our targeted audience? Utilizing relevant and tactful humor is a very effective tactic our team utilizes to harness positive emotions and extend goodwill among the consumers and stakeholders our clients seek to influence.

Breaking Through The Noise

The amount of media opportunities marketers can access for messaging today is light years ahead of what we had access to just a decade ago. The offset to this immense opportunity is the fact that there is SO MUCH messaging today, our society is overloaded with information and quick to block out anything that is not considered relevant. 

Humorous campaigns can help any organization maintain relevance and engagement with its target audience. 

Adding Levity

Humor is an essential bonding element of the entire human race. It’s also just good for one’s health. Making someone laugh can foster an experience for consumers that leaves a lasting impression. This approach allows brands to connect with their audiences on a human level, evoking positive emotions such as happiness and amusement. 

Infusing Personality

Incorporating humor into a campaign also humanizes brands. While many ad campaigns target transactions as the primary goal, using humor and showing authenticity paired with some personality allows companies to show that they are relatable and approachable. This builds trust and loyalty between brands and consumers. 

Oftentimes, advertisements that evoke emotions leave a lasting impact. People who have an emotional response to something are more likely to remember it. Brands can place themselves at the forefront of consumers' minds when it's time to make a purchase by creating a memorable, humorous campaign. 

In the digital age, people are more likely to share content on social media that they relate to, that makes them laugh, or that brings a smile to their faces. Incorporating humor into a campaign can expand a brand's reach and engagement by increasing the likelihood of content being shared across platforms.

Who doesn’t feel better after a good laugh?

Brands can create memorable experiences that resonate with their audience after the laughter fades by showcasing some wit and personality. So keep that in mind when you’re developing your next campaign, sprinkle in some humor to take your brand to the next level. Hit us up. We can help.

If you haven’t already, follow us on Instagram and check out our most recent reel for a good chuckle.

Written by Alex Wall, Art Director
